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Professor position in Brazil (UFABC) (No replies)
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Two Professor positions in the area of Computational Materials Sciences are available at the Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC – São Paulo – Brazil). Candidates with a PhD in correlated areas can apply for this position.
UFABC is a public university in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, focused in science and technology. It was recently ranked in between the best Universities in Latin America, according to the Times Higher Education Ranking. It offers an excellent scientific environment and access to several research facilities and equipment. Candidates are expected to teach in Graduate and Undergraduate courses (in English) as well as develop research projects and supervise graduate and undergraduate students.
Details about this position can be found in the links below (general information in English) (in portuguese)
Applications should be submitted (research project, CV and other documents) until March 1st, 2017. All the process/documents can be performed/submitted in English. Other positions in Physics are also available (Experimental Condensed Matter, High Energy Physics, Cosmology, Education).
For more information, contact
Luana Pedroza: [email protected]
Gustavo Dalpian: [email protected]
Adalberto Fazzio: [email protected]