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Professor and Director of Warwick Centre for Pre ... (No replies)
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The School of Engineering at the University of Warwick are seeking to appoint a Director of the Warwick Centre for Predictive Modelling (WCPM, ). The successful candidate will direct and steer WCPM through a period of growth and development and will undertake ongoing strategic management of this Centre, leading to significant new research of international excellence. They will also engage with internal and external partners to apply for, secure and manage research funding and will be responsible for establishing and leading an MSc course in Predictive Modelling. WCPM is an active and vibrant research centre with eight members of academic staff and associated postdoctoral and postgraduate researchers.
Currently the staff derive from the School of Engineering, Warwick Mathematics Institute and Warwick Manufacturing Group. The Centre has active collaborative links with staff across the Science Faculty, Warwick Medical School, Life Sciences and Warwick Business School.
The post holder will be an internationally recognised authority in their own research specialism (which could include electronic structure modelling). Expertise in, or willingness to engage with, the development of predictive modelling capabilities is essential as is a proven track record of research leadership including securing and leading large-scale research projects. Prior connection to / involvement with uncertainty quantification (UQ) would be an advantage.
Further details of the post and an online application form can be found at the University's recruitment page at