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Pre- and postdoctoral positions in Theoretical A ... (No replies)

2 years ago
campusys 2 years ago

Several pre- and postdoctoral positions are available in the group of Fernando Martín ( at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and IMDEA Nanoscience in framework of the recently awarded Synergy Grant of the European Research Council TOMATTO (the ultimate Time scale of Organic Molecular optoelectronics: the ATTOsecond).

Subject description

The goal of the project is to overcome the femtosecond time-scale bottleneck and get direct information on the early stages of electron and charge transfer generated by visible and ultraviolet light absorption on organic optoelectronic systems, by extending the available theoretical tools of attosecond science beyond the state of the art. The objective is to provide clear-cut movies of electron and charge transfer processes with the ultimate goal of engineering the molecular response to optimize the light driven processes leading to the desired opto-electronic behavior.

Position requirements

  • A Bachelor degree in Physics or Chemistry and an MSc in physics or theoretical chemistry (for predoc positions) or a PhD degree in physics or theoretical chemistry (for postdoc positions) or related disciplines.
  • Experience in advanced theoretical modelling
  • Knowledge of scientific programming languages (e.g., Fortran 90, C, C++, Python, etc).
  • Knowledge of quantum mechanics, basic electrodynamics, basic atomic and molecular physics.
  • Good oral and written proficiency in English.
  • Ability to work both independently and as part of a team.

Main responsibilities

The main duty is to conduct research, but teaching might also be offered if the chosen candidate desires it. Good and collaborative attitude with other group members is expected.

Instructions on how to apply

Applications shall be written in English and be compiled into a PDF-file containing:

  • CV including a list of publications
  • General description of past research and future research interests (no more than two pages)
  • Contact information of at least two references

The position will start with a renewable 1-year contract up to a maximum of 4 years. The salary follows European standard scales and will depend on experience and qualifications of the candidate.

Applications should be sent to [email protected] and [email protected]    

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials