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Postgraduate Scholarship in Complex Quantum Orde ... (No replies)
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A funded PhD position is available in the field of Condensed Matter Theory under the supervision of Dr J Quintanilla. Deadline Date for Applications: 22 June 2018.
The aim of the project is to predict theoretically the experimental signatures and possible applications of the recently-proposed “Loop Josephson Current” superconducting state [SK Ghosh, JF Annett, and J Quintanilla,]. In this state, Cooper pairs are in perpetual, quantum-coherent cyclic motion on the atomic scale. The theoretical discovery of a new state of matter is very rare and offers an excellent opportunity for a career-launching PhD project. The project will benefit from links to top experimental groups in Europe, Japan and China with whom we co-discovered the unsual nature of superconductivity in several materials leding to the Loop Josephson Current hypothesis.
The successful candidate will be based at the University of Kent’s main campus in Canterbury as part of the Quantum Theory and Simulation effort within the Functional Materials Group. The work will be carried out within the EPSRC-funded collaboration “Unconventional Superconductors: New Paradigms for New Materials” involving the Universities of Kent and Bristol in partnership with the ISIS Facility, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. Kent is also a member of the Hubbard Theory Consortium and SEPnet.
This PhD project is due to start in September, 2018.
Entry requirements and Funding: Applicants should have or expect to obtain a first or upper second class honours degree (or equivalent) in Physics, Mathematics or a related subject. This is a Vice Chancellor’s Research Scholarship, which will be offered at the standard UK Research Councils’ rate (currently £14,553 per annum; to cover living costs) and will additionally cover tuition fees at the Home/EU rate (currently £4,195 per annum). This scholarship is available to both UK and EU nationals and will involve undertaking teaching/demonstrating duties during the period of study.
Quintanilla group research blog:
Quantum Theory and Simulation at Kent:
Functional Materials Group:
Unconventional Superconductors: New Paradigms for New Materials collaboration:
Hubbard Theory Consortium:
Contact: For further information or informal enquiries, please contact Jorge Quintanilla at [email protected].
How to Apply: : To apply please go to
You will need to apply through the online application form on the main University website. Please note that you will be expected to provide personal details, education and employment history and supporting documentation (Curriculum Vitae, transcript of results, two academic references).
Deadline Date for Applications: 22 June 2018
Interviews to be held between: 2 July and 13 July 2018