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Postdoctoral/doctor researcher, IBS Center for M ... (No replies)

7 years ago
polyuxiao 7 years ago

The IBS Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials is located in a new building at the Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), nestled in a beautiful area near the port cities of Ulsan and Busan. The center supports a talented international team of highly collaborative researchers that design, synthesize and study new forms of carbon and related materials, many of which are expected to have exceptional physical and electronic properties.

Job Description:

We are searching for postdoctoral or doctoral researchers who will be involved in chemical vapor deposition synthesis of carbon nanomaterials and 2D materials.

Successful candidates will work under the supervision of distinguished Prof. Feng Ding. Research will be geared toward fundamental science, such as developing the potential routes towards chirality selection during carbon nanotube synthesis, controlled synthesis of 2D materials and understanding their growth mechanisms. The researchers will be able to interact with world-class scientists from diverse fields and have access to state-of-the-art research instruments.

For more information on Prof. Ding and his research, please visit:

The eligible candidate should have:

  • PhD or Master degree in suitable field, such as physics, chemistry, materials science
  • Be highly motivated
  • Good written and oral communication skills in English
  • Experience in carrying out independent research and working in a team environment
  • Experience of writing high level scientific publications
  • Previous experience in CVD and nanomicroscopy (AFM, SEM) is an advantage

All the positions are available immediately. The salary and benefits to the IBS-research fellows are highly competitive, depending on the research experience of the applicant. If interested, please send curriculum vitae (CV), description of research interests, and contact information of referees to [email protected].

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials