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Postdoctoral scholarship in computational spectr ... (No replies)

2 years ago
glibar 2 years ago

Linköping University (LiU) conducts world-leading, cross-disciplinary research in fields that include materials science, IT and life science technology. LiU is one of the largest universities in Sweden and today has 27,000 students and 4,000 employees. The students are among the most desirable in the labour market and international rankings consistently place LiU as a leading global university. Read more at

The Laboratory of Organic Electronics belongs to the Department of Science and Technology and is renowned for its world-leading research on electronic and optical devices based on organic materials. Its primary theme involves the coupling of ions and electrons as signal carriers for applications in organic bioelectronics, printed electronics, organic energy and electrochemical devices, and nanooptics. Currently, the research staff of the Laboratory includes about 80 researchers (professors, senior and junior scientists and PhD students), see for detail.

Background and duties:
Over the past few decades organic electronics became one of the most important field of science for the humanity. Huge consumer success and impressive technical abilities of novel electronic devices resulted in necessity of further scientific investigations and developments in field of organic electronics. Significant competitive potential of organic light emitting diodes (OLED) and a number of design and technological features, that are unique to this class of devices, created the preconditions for widespread commercialization of OLED as a basic element in display technologies (projection and transparent displays), automotive engineering, biomedicine and modern dynamic lighting systems. This project aims the development of flexible OLEDs based on organic materials exhibiting mechanoluminescent properties (MCL), which are known for their ability to change the maximum of emission wavelength under the influence of mechanical forces, and usually demonstrating aggregation-induced emission enhancement (AIEE). The project means the computational design of donor-acceptor materials with potential MCL and AIEE properties and their future synthesis and implementation into flexible OLEDs (in collaboration with experimentalists). Thus, successful candidate should have expertise and strong background in computational chemistry with focus in molecular spectroscopy and solid state physics for prediction and explanation of materials structural and optical properties based on DFT and ab initio approaches.

Qualifications and requirements to applicants:
– Scholarship may be granted only to non-Swedish citizens with a PhD or equivalent acquired in another country than Sweden. The applicant must not have been employed by Linköping University previously.
– The applicant must have or be about to receive a doctoral degree in a subject relevant to the research project (e.g. PhD in computational chemistry, solid state physics or relevant) and needs to be passionate about research. Problem solving ability and creativity are essential.
– Experience in usage Gaussian, VASP, Quantum ESPRESSO, etc. software and parallel computing is required. Skills in data processing and visualizing the results of quantum-chemical simulations are strongly desired.
– In order to communicate with experimentalists (synthetic chemists and experts in device engineering) the basic knowledge in organic chemistry and organic electronics are needed as well as ability to prepare reports, presentations and drafts of manuscripts.

Starting date:
By agreement but not earlier than 2022-02-01

Appointment and Conditions:
– Appointment is initially for one year with a possibility of an extension for a second year depending on a mutual agreement. The total time for receiving a scholarship from Linköping University can never exceed two years.
– The scholarship amounts to SEK25000:-/month (tax-free) (~€2500/month). Economy class travel to/from Sweden for a scholarship holder will be covered. Funding can be available to participate in conferences.
– Essential information about healthcare, insurances etc. can be found
– Questions are welcome to [email protected]

Application procedure:
The following documents (in pdf-format) must be submitted when applying for a scholarship:
– Cover letter (1- 2 pages describing your background and your interest in this position).
– Curriculum vitae, max 2 pages, including at least two references that we can contact.
– List of publications.
– Copy of PhD diploma.

The application should be sent electronically to Glib Baryshnikov [email protected] and a copy to [email protected]. Mark your application with reference number Dnr ITN-2021-00399in the e-mail subject field.

Deadline for application is 2022-02-01.

Contact: Glib Baryshnikov, Assistant professor, [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials