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Postdoctoral Scholarship in Computational Cataly ... (No replies)
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Department of Physics at Chalmers
Stimulated by major needs and challenges in science and a sustainable society, the ambition of the department of Physics is to foster a creative environment for academic research, learning and outreach. We provide a competitive advantage by linking our top-level international and interdisciplinary academic performance in the areas of material science, nanotechnology and energy research with world-leading industrial R&D&I projects. We address a wide array of experimental, computational, methodological and theoretical challenges, from fundamental physics research, through the development of new materials such as graphene to direct industrial projects generating new inventions. We have a strong learning commitment on all levels from undergraduate to PhD studies where physics meet engineering.
Information about the research group
The Chemical Physics Division at the Department of Physics operates at the interface between materials science, nanoscience, catalysis, nanoplasmonics and in situ spectroscopy, with a particular focus on the development of sustainable energy systems. Themes include, for instance, alternative fuel production, emission control, energy storage, and fuel cells. The research is interdisciplinary with strong connections between fundamental and applied science. Chemical Physics Division is a dynamic and international environment that strives for scientific excellence through teamwork and joint experimental and theoretical efforts.
The theoretical activities at Chemical Physics focus on electronic structure calculations within the density functional theory together with mean-field modeling and Monte-Carlo simulations for reaction kinetics. Theoretical spectroscopy is used together with experimental observations to unravel fundamental reaction mechanisms and processes.
Information about the research project
We are looking for a highly motivated postdoc who will model reactions using first-principles methods coupled with micro-kinetics and/or kinetic Monte-Carlo methods to couple electronic structure with catalytic output.
The project will be part of a larger research program that involves several other research groups at the Chemistry and Physics Departments of Chalmers. The overall goal of the project "Single Particle Catalysis in Nanoreactors" is to further push our understanding of catalytic reaction to the single particle level.
Major responsibilities
Your major responsibility as postdoc is to perform research at Chemical Physics, and to collaborate with experimental efforts in at Chalmers. The postdoctoral position is an appointment that offers an opportunity to qualify for further research positions within academia or industry. The majority of your working time is devoted to your own research and competence development but you may also be involved in supervision of Ph.D. and M.Sc. students.
It is funded by a scholarship available to non-Swedish citizens with a PhD from a non-Swedish university, received not more than two years before the starting date of the scholarship. The scholarship is tax free and lies in the range 25000-27000 SEK per month, depending on previous experience. Chalmers University of Technology will cover a health insurance for you as scholarship holder.
Position summary
Full-time temporary employment. The position is limited to one year with possibility for two one-year extension, i.e. maximum of two years (1+1).
Necessary qualifications for the postdoctoral position are:
(1) PhD in Computational Physics/Chemistry/Materials Science.
(2) Documented experience of density functional theory calculations.
(3) Skills in scripting and programming are mandatory.
(4) A solid background in quantum mechanics, solid-state theory and thermodynamics is required.
(5) The candidate has to be able to work independently and have good skills in communicating scientific results in written and spoken English.
The position requires sound verbal and written communication skills in English.
For details of how to apply, please, follow the link below and look for reference number 20160556.