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Postdoctoral researcher positions in computation ... (No replies)

7 years ago
bhkim00bk 7 years ago

The Computational Energy Research Unit as a part of R&D Platform Center at Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) in Daejeon, Republic of Korea is seeking two highly motivated and experienced postdoctoral researchers in the area of computational energy-related materials science.

Our computational team consists of 4 senior researchers who have expertise in density functional theory, molecular dynamics, high-throughput materials screening and big-data analysis, and some postdocs & PhD students working on a multidisciplinary fields such as catalysis, fuel cells, photovoltaics, ESS, etc. in strong collaboration with experiments.


The projects the candidates shall work on include an investigation of energy storage properties on 2D materials in collaboration with experimental teams at Harvard and at our institute. We also do have various projects related to energy research.


Applicants are expected to be independent, collaborative and fluent in English for both speaking and writing, and also expected to have considerable knowledge and experience of one or more of the following:

. Ph.D. degree in materials science, physics, chemistry, chemical engineering, mechanics or in a closely-related fields.

. Large-scale molecular dynamics and force field development

. First-principles calculations in complex solids, surfaces, interfaces or so

. Atomic-level modelling of chemical reactions

. Python


A postdoctoral position is available from 1st January 2018 for one year, with a possible extension up to 3 years upon mutual agreement of both sides. Postdoctoral Fellow salaries per month can be max 3,160,000 KRW (approximately 2,690 USD, before tax) for fresh Ph.D.


Daejeon, where the KIER is located, is one of the largest cities of South Korea and will provide excellent working and living environments. Especially, the city has Daedeok Innopolis (Daedeok Research and Development Special Zone) which is composed of 28 government-funded research institutions as well as 79 private research institutes with as many as 20,000 researchers. Details can be found from following links:


Interested parties should send a cover letter, resumé or curriculum vitae (including publications), statement of research interests, and contact information for three references to [email protected] .

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials