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Postdoctoral researcher in first principles simu ... (No replies)
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A postdoctoral research fellowship is available in the group of Dr Simon Elliott at Tyndall National Institute, University College, Cork, applying first principles (quantum chemical / ab initio) simulations to investigate surface reactions that allow the controlled removal of materials by atomic layer etch (ALE).
Manufacturing electronic components for computers, mobile phones and smart systems depends crucially on chemical processes that can add or remove material in a controlled fashion at the nanometre scale. For instance, atomic layer deposition (ALD) has been used for over a decade to fabricate key parts of memory and transistor devices. Recently, exciting new processes have been proposed for the opposite process, atomic layer etch (ALE), by which a single atomic layer of a selected material can be removed chemically at low temperature, without damaging the rest of the structure.
At Tyndall National Institute, the Materials Modelling for Devices group led by Dr Simon Elliott has built up a worldwide reputation for atomic-scale modelling of a wide range of ALD processes, finding out what surface chemistry is occurring and what chemicals work best. To do this, we primarily use density functional theory (DFT) to model adsorption and surface reactions from first principles. We are now seeking a postdoctoral researcher to apply the same computational tools to the ALE process, with the aim of investigating how fluorinating, oxidising and ligand-exchange reagents interact with the surfaces of metals and oxides. The research will be in close collaboration with experimental partners in industry and academia, and so the ability to work to deadlines and communicate with a variety of collaborators will be key requirements.
Tyndall National Institute is one of Europe’s leading research centres, addressing the scientific advances that are needed for the information technology of the future. The Institute is located on a high-tech campus in Cork city, Ireland, part of University College Cork. In Tyndall, over 400 researchers, engineers, students and support staff work together in the areas of nanoelectronics, microsystems and photonics. About 50 staff and students are active in theoretical and computational research, including the Materials Modelling for Devices group. We share the Tyndall computing cluster (circa 2000 cpu’s) and also make heavy use of high performance computing at national and international level.
To apply, please follow the instructions at