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Postdoctoral Researcher in Atomistic and DFT Mod ... (No replies)
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An EPSRC-funded postdoctoral research position is available in the area of advanced computer modelling of lithium battery materials within the groups of Professor Saiful Islam and Dr Ben Morgan at the University of Bath.
The research programme will apply atomistic and ab initio techniques in the study of defect, transport and surface/interface properties of lithium battery materials. Project areas will include ion intercalation at electrode surfaces and the effects of grain boundaries using density functional theory (DFT), potentials-based molecular dynamics, and cluster-expansion based Monte Carlo techniques.
This project forms part of the large interdisciplinary Multi-Scale Modelling effort on lithium batteries within the new Faraday Institution with strong links to continuum modelling work, and to experimental structural and electrochemical studies. Please view the following link for further information on the project:
Previous experience in computational materials science and a track record of peer-reviewed publications are essential.
This post is available on a full time, fixed term basis until 31 December 2020.
Group websites with research details and contact emails are as follows:
Prof Saiful Islam: (email: [email protected])
Dr Ben Morgan: (email: [email protected])
Applications are submitted through the University of Bath online application form: