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Postdoctoral researcher at Magtop in Warsaw (No replies)

2 years ago
Carmine 2 years ago

In summer 2022, a full-time postdoc position will be open in the Magtop division . The International Centre for Interfacing Magnetism and Superconductivity with Topological Matter – MagTop is the Division (ON-6) of the Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences ( and is funded by a grant awarded to Professors T. Dietl and T. Wojtowicz within the International Research Agendas programme of the Foundation for Polish Science, carried out from the funds of the European Regional Development Fund. The research activity of MagTop is described in its agenda: The place of work will be Warsaw (Poland).


Job Description: The postdoc will work in the first-principle group led by Carmine Autieri and composed of 4 members.

The postdoc will perform relativistic ab-initio calculations. Possible topics within the density functional theory field could be:

1) k-space topology

2) 2D materials

3) Anomalous Hall Effect and spin-hall effect in thin films.                                                Furthermore, there will be a strong connection with experimental teams and other theory groups.


Career Stage: We require a Ph.D. in condensed matter physics or close discipline completed less than 5 years ago. Candidates with experience in the usage of plane-wave DFT codes are highly preferred. Knowledge of wannier90 and wanniertools is highly appreciated. Very good knowledge of written and spoken English is required.

Type of Contract: The first contract will be until December 31st 2023. If our funding will be extended and if the postdoc has 4-5 years of experience, there is a chance of promotion to assistant professor from 1 January 2024.

Salary: 12 000 PLN per month (2 600 € per month), health insurance covered; less than 24% in employee taxes and social security contributions. The postdoc will receive additional bonuses based on the number of medium-high rank publications.

Required materials for the job application:

  • Detailed CV (up to 3 pages)
  • Full list of publications
  • Cover/motivation letter on why do you want to join the Magtop division. Please mention earliest possible starting date (1 page)
  • Contact details to two references


Contact: All queries and expressions of interest should be submitted to Carmine Autieri using [email protected]. Please write as subject of the email "DFT postdoc position 2022".


Starting date: Review of applications will start immediately. The starting date could be in summer/autumn 2022.


Info on group research activity:

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials