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Postdoctoral researcher (No replies)
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The Physics Department at Virginia Tech invites applications for a postdoctoral research associate position in theoretical condensed matter/quantum chemistry (in the group of Prof. Kyungwha Park), with a focus on electronic structure and magnetic properties of lanthanide-based single-molecule magnets and related nanostructures, within/beyond density-functional theory. The position is available starting from spring 2018 or later, and is renewable for up to two additional years after the first year, upon mutual agreement. Collaborations with theorists and experimentalists are expected. The successful applicant must have a Ph.D. in either theoretical quantum chemistry, theoretical condensed matter physics or a closely related field, and have knowledge in magnetism, electronic-structure calculations, and methods beyond density-functional theory. Experience in code development is desirable. Interested candidates must electronically submit online application, curriculum vitae, a brief description of their research interests (up to 2 pages), and the names of three references (including contact information) at, referring to position number SR0170393. Virginia Tech is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.