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Postdoctoral research position at Kunsan Nationa ... (No replies)

3 years ago
cjkang 3 years ago

A postdoctoral research position is available in the computational materials physics group at Kunsan National University, South Korea, working with Prof. Bongjae Kim (Kunsan National University) and Prof. Chang-Jong Kang (Chungnam National University, South Korea).


Project: The study of correlated systems using DFT+DMFT (Density functional theory with Dynamical mean-field theory). Currently, we are interested in magnetic materials, flat band systems, and 2D systems, where multiple physics such as spin/charge/orbital order, superconductivity, etc. are competing or cooperating.


The position is a one-year position, with the appointment usually made for one year and renewed upon mutual agreement. The position is available immediately and applications will be taken into consideration until the position is filled. The salary, funded by the national research foundation of Korea, will be commensurate with experience within the salary scale of National Universities in Korea. The position is for two affiliations: Kunsan National University (the main affiliation) and Chungnam National University (the second affiliation).



- Candidates for the position should have a Ph.D. in computational and/or theoretical materials physics or related disciplines.

- Experience with DFT codes such as VASP, WIEN2k, QE, etc.

- Experience with DFT+DMFT is a priority.

- Prior experience in many-body models is a plus.

- Solid background in condensed matter physics.

- Good communication skills in English (both written and verbal)

- Ability to work independently and in a team.


How: To apply please submit a one-page statement of your research interests stating your motivation for the project, your CV, and the names and contact information of at least two recommenders. Please use the subject line “Postdoc application” when sending the applications. Please send the documents to the following email addresses:


Contact: [email protected], [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials