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Postdoctoral research position at CNRNANO S3 Res ... (No replies)

5 months ago
s.pittalis 5 months ago
A postdoctoral research position to work in the field of hybrid classical-quantum computation is available at Institute of Nanoscience, National Research Council of Italy, Modena, Italy ( ). The focus of the research project includes: development of novel quantum algorithms for quantum chemistry and density functional theory; application of quantum computers to determine energies and wave functions of selected molecules; investigation of entanglement in many-particle systems. 
The postdoctoral researcher will work under the scientific guidance of Dr. F. Troiani, Dr. S. Pittalis, and Dr. R. Di Felice at CNRNANO. The project is in collaboration with the Universities of L’Aquila, Padova, and Southern California.
The position can be activated from April 2024 for one year and, upon funding availability, may be extended for up to another year. 
Job requirements include:
- Ph.D. degree in Physics, Materials Science, Chemistry or closely related field
- Experience with electronic structure computational methods 
- Experience with quantum computing algorithms
- Programming skills (Fortran, C++, and Python)
- Excellent oral and written communication skills
- Ability to work independently as well as in team
Review of applications will begin immediately. Interested candidates are invited to send an application letter including a CV to [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials