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Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Theoretical ... (No replies)

8 years ago
claspersson 8 years ago

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Theoretical Semiconductor Physics.

The postdoctoral position in theoretical semiconductor physics – first-principles modeling of defects in semiconductors – is associated with the Centre for Materials Science and Nanotechnology at the Department of Physics, University of Oslo. The fellowship period is 3 years. Starting date no later than Oct 1st 2016. Deadline for application is April 15 2016.

Job/Project description:
In this position, the successful candidate will theoretically functionalize defects in semiconductors. More specifically, the candidate will model, explore, and analyze various dopants, point defects, and complexes in advanced semiconductors by means of first-principles atomistic methods based on the density functional theory (DFT). He/she will perform DFT and GW calculations, as well as molecular dynamics on potential materials and systems which might show extraordinary potential. The candidate will utilize state-of-the-art computer simulation packages that are installed on national HPC resources. The candidate will be part of several research tasks and collaborate closely with the research groups within the project. The aim of the studies is to explore novel concepts and ideas, and to elucidate and understand fundamental properties of semiconductors.

The position is part of the ToppForsk top-level project Functionalizing Defects in Advanced Semiconductors” funded jointly by the Research Council of Norway and UiO. The project’s primary objective is to accelerate processes towards groundbreaking functionalities with a holistic approach to defects in advanced semiconductors and nanostructures, linking defect behavior with electrical,optical and magnetic functionalities and targeting size dependence of defect properties on nanostructure size and shape.A strategic aim of the project is to consolidate the team as an internationally leading research environment in advanced semiconductors and defect physics, spanning from materials synthesis, characterization, and theoretical analyses to realization and evaluation of test (device) structures.

Announcement and further information:

Clas Persson, Prof.
Department of Physics,
University of Oslo
NO-0316 Oslo, Norway

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials