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Postdoctoral research associate positions for co ... (No replies)
Applications are invited for postdoctoral research positions in the computational theory group led by Dr. Duck Young Kim, center for high pressure science and technology advanced research (HPSTAR), Shanghai, China. The positions will be supported by “top 1000 talent program of China” awarded to the HPSTAR center director and/or 1000 talent foreign expert of China awarded to Dr. Duck Young Kim.
Currently, we are seeking multiple positions in the field of 1) novel functional materials prediction under pressure and 2) correlated materials’ prediction under pressure. The main research approach can be based on density functional theory and for the correlated materials research it is highly desirable for candidates to be familiar/interested with many body calculations. To successful candidates, we will provide ample research opportunity to work closely with International collaboration teams as well as sufficient computational resources.
To apply for the position, please provide a CV including contact details of two references, a full publication list, and a cover lettering describing a motivation statement and your previous research projects to Dr. Duck Young Kim ([email protected]) specifying “postdoctor application” in the subject line.
Related recent publications
Novel materials research
- Synthesis of an open-framework allotrope of silicon, Nature Materials 14 169 (2015)
- Synthesis of sodium polyhydrides at high pressures, Nature comm. 7 12267 (2016)
- Oxygen-rich lithium oxide phases formed at high pressure for lithium-air batteries, Advanced Science 19 1600453 (2017)
FeO2 related research
- FeO2 and FeOOH under deep lower-mantle conditions and Earth’s oxygen-hydrogen cycles, Nature 534 241 (2016)
- Metal-insulator transition and the role of electron correlation in FeO2, Phys. Rev. B 95 075114 (2017)
- Dehydrogenation of FeO2H at Earth’s lower mantle, PNAS 114 1498 (2017)
- When water meets iron at Earth’s core-mantle boundary, National Science Review, nwx109, (2017)
- Hydrogen-bearing iron peroxide and the origin of ultralow-velocity zones, Nature 551 494 (2017)
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