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Postdoctoral research associate position for com ... (No replies)
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Applications are invited for postdoctoral research positions in the computational theory group, center for high pressure science and technology advanced research (HPSTAR), Shanghai, China. Currently we seek one position for two years and it is possible to seek multiple researchers depending on the quality of applicants. The research topic of interest comprises 1) novel materials predictions for Energy challenge and 2) understanding of the composition of the deep lower mantle (DLM) conditions. For novel functional materials project, first principle based crystal structure predictions will be used and other relevant theoretical approaches such as GW, BSE, and harmonic/anharmonic phonon calculations will be used. For DLM research, starting from recently reported new iron oxide (FeO2), we plan to explain theoretically ternary or quaternary phase diagram at high-pressure conditions. Mostly LDA+U approach will be useful and DMFT calculations can be also conducted.
The successful candidates are required to possess a strong background in computational physics, materials science, computer sciences or other relevant disciplines, including a PhD in a relevant area. The salary range is 200 - 250 K RMB based on experience and qualifications.
To apply for this position, please provide a CV including contact details of two references, a full publication list, and a cover letter describing their suitability to Dr. Duck Young Kim ([email protected]).
Related publications
- Synthesis of an open-framework allotrope of silicon, Nature Materials 14 169 (2015).
- Synthesis of sodium polyhydrides at high pressures, Nature comm. DOI:10.1038/ncomms12267 (2016).
- FeO2 and FeOOH under deep lower-mantle conditions and Earth’s oxygen-hydrogen cycles, Nature 534 241 (2016).
- Metal-insulator transition and the role of electron correlation in FeO2, arXiv:1606.0958v2 .