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Postdoctoral Research Associate in Theory of Unc ... (No replies)

6 years ago
james.annett 6 years ago

A Research Associate position is available at the University of Bristol, as part of a wider project in partnership with the University of Kent and with the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.

We are looking for an enthusiastic candidate to pursue work in condensed matter theory. In this role you will carry out research on broken time-reversal symmetry and topological order in superconductors with strong spin-orbit coupling, competing orders, multi-band pairing and/or lack of inversion symmetry.

The post is available as part of the collaboration “Unconventional Superconductors: New Paradigms for New Materials”. The team have been awarded an £844,000 (FEC) grant from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. The project has funding for 16 months, subject to the anticipated EPSRC approval of a no-cost extension of the funded project. There is a possibility of longer-term funding for this or a closely related project, which will depend on success of future funding applications.

The Bristol Research Associate will carry out Density Functional Theory calculations of the band structures of materials exhibiting novel forms of superconductivity and will collaborate with the University of Kent PDRA to carry out group-theoretical analyses of experimental data and develop novel theories of unconventional electron pairing, analytically and numerically.

The Bristol and Kent groups will work together to combine this information to create detailed models of specific materials and then use these models to predict the results of experiments.

A PhD qualification in theoretical physics, or an equivalent closely related discipline, needs to be completed prior to taking up this position. Candidates in the final stages of completing their degree are encouraged to apply, if they can provide a reference attesting that their PhD viva will be held by the end of March 2019, or shortly thereafter.

Previous experience with quantum density-functional theory is essential. Prior experience with tight-binding materials modelling, other computational methods such as DMFT or DMRG, and/or mean-field Bogoliubov-de Gennes/Hartree-Fock-Gor'kov theory is highly desired.

Good written and oral English language skills are required.

The School of Physics is committed to good employment practices and a supportive working environment for all staff. The school holds an Athena SWAN bronze award and Institute of Physics Juno Practitioner status.

For further information and to apply visit and search for job number  ACAD103709.  Or for further information please contact Prof James Annett ([email protected])

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials