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Postdoctoral research associate : Computational ... (No replies)

11 months ago
anirudhrn 11 months ago

The Laboratory of Materials Design and Simulation (MADES) at the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), led by Prof. Anirudh Raju Natarajan, has an opening for a postdoctoral research associate. The successful candidate will lead an exciting project focused on utilising first-principles models, machine-learning techniques and statistical mechanics simulations to identify synthesizable multicomponent materials with favourable mechanical properties. The postdoc will get an opportunity to work closely with experimental collaborators and world-class researchers at EPFL.

The laboratory of materials design and simulation (MADES) develops first-principles phenomenological models of materials with the goal of understanding and designing novel materials and processing techniques. Candidates are encouraged to visit our website ( to get an idea about our research interests.

Candidates with a passion for scientific inquiry, and creativity are invited to apply. The position requires:

  • A doctoral degree in materials science or a closely related field
  • Experience with first-principles methods such as density-functional theory, Monte-Carlo simulations, molecular dynamics etc.
  • Strong background in thermodynamics, statistical mechanics and crystallography
  • (Optional) Programming skills as evidenced by contributions to a widely used codebase would be preferred
  • (Optional) Experience with machine-learning tools such as PyTorch or TensorFlow
  • Proficient in written and spoken English

Interested candidates should send an email to Prof. Natarajan ([email protected]) with the following documents:

  1. CV
  2. One page cover letter highlighting research interests, experience and future plans
  3. (Optional) Link to a code sample or codebase developed by the candidate

Please include “postdoc@MADES” in the subject line of the e-mail.

Preference will be given to candidates that are available to begin their appointment by August 2024, although we are open to discussing the exact start date. The salary will be according to the scale for postdoctoral candidates as prescribed by the ETH board. Applicants must have a PhD before starting their appointment. The initial appointment length will be for up to 12 months with a potential for extension subject to performance and availability of funding.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials