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Postdoctoral Research Associate – Computationa ... (No replies)
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Purpose: Under the supervision of Dr. Jaron Krogel, the postdoctoral research associate will apply many-body quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods to explore the properties of functional materials as part of the Center for Predictive Simulation of Functional Materials, a DOE-funded Computational Materials Sciences (CMS) Center (https://cpsfm.ornl,gov). This position resides in the Materials Theory Group in the Materials Science and Technology Division (MSTD), Physical Sciences Directorate (PSD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).
Overview: The goal of the Center is to develop and deploy advanced, systematically improvable quantum Monte techniques to problems in strongly correlated electronic structure. The center aims to demonstrate a new capacity of QMC techniques to conclusively predict, and hence ultimately design, the properties of functional materials. Computational research will be engaged closely with experimental studies of electronic and structural phase transitions, doping and defect physics of correlated oxides. Successful applicants will have many opportunities for collaboration with computational theorists and experimentalists across multiple national laboratories, including Oak Ridge, Argonne, Sandia, and Lawrence Livermore national laboratories. The ideal candidate will have detailed knowledge of quantum mechanics and experience in the application of computational electronic structure methods to materials such as transition metal oxides and experience with algorithm and code development.
Major Duties/Responsibilities:
Qualifications Required:
Basic Qualifications:
Preferred Qualifications:
Other Information:
The appointment length will be up to 24 months with the potential for extension. Initial appointments and extensions are subject to performance and availability of funding.
Please provide a list of publications and a complete formal transcript of Ph.D. coursework when applying for this position. Three letters of reference are required and can be uploaded to your profile or emailed directly to [email protected]. Please include the title of the position in the subject line.
Apply Here:
ORNL is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants, including individuals with disabilities and protected veterans, are encouraged to apply.