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Postdoctoral Research Associate – Computationa ... (No replies)

8 years ago
reboredo 8 years ago

Overview: The relevance of ab-initio many-body methods in electronic structure has increased significantly during the last five years due to the recent success of the scientific community in their application to highly correlated or quantum materials.  As the exascale is approached in high performance computing, the cost of the hardware continues to decrease. Thus, these types of methods will soon become accessible to a broad range of researchers in laboratories and universities around the world. In this growing area of research, there are still very few experts. Therefore, while candidates with previous expertise will be preferred, applicants without specific expertise are also encouraged to apply, provided that you can demonstrate the ability and interest to learn with a rechearch record  that shows creativity and critical thinking with theoretical development or programing. Computational research will be connected with experimental studies of defect physics in correlated oxides and quantum materials.  In this role, you will have many opportunities to collaborate within ORNL’s materials program. 

Purpose:   As a postdoctoral research associate, you will focus on applying quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) and other many-body methods to investigate the properties of correlated oxides and ceramics.  This position resides in the Materials Theory Group in the Materials Science and Technology Division (MSTD), Physical Sciences Directorate (PSD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).   

Major Duties/Responsibilities:

  • Learn and use many-body methods, such as diffusion Monte Carlo
  • Perform investigative Density Functional Theory calculations with Quantum Espresso or other codes to establish atomic structures and effective electronic band structures
  • Perform quantum Monte Carlo calculations with QMCPACK and other QMC codes to investigate the many-body electronic properties of quantum materials
  • Plan and effectively execute computational research projects and perform detailed analysis of data in the context of quantum and statistical mechanics
  • Present and report research results and publish scientific results in peer-reviewed journals in a timely manner
  • Ensure compliance with environment, safety, health and quality program requirements
  • Maintain strong commitment to the implementation and perpetuation of values and ethics

Qualifications Required:  

Basic Qualifications:

  • A PhD in Physics, Materials Science, or Chemistry completed within the last 5 years
  • Knowledge of quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics

 Preferred Qualifications:

Experience in the development and application of computational electronic structure methods.

Competence in the application of computational methods in electronic structure, including Density Functional Theory and quantum Monte Carlo

  • An excellent record of productive and creative research demonstrated by publications in peer-reviewed journals including either computing coding or analytical theoretical developments
  • Experience developing electronic structure methods in the context of theory or computation
  • Experience working in Linux computing environments, especially in the context of high performance computers
  • Familiarity with scripting or programming, such as Python, Matlab, C, C++, or Fortran
  • Written and oral communication skills and the ability to communicate in English to an international scientific audience
  • Ability to work with a measure of autonomy and a willingness to participate creatively in a collaborative team environment
  • Ability to organize and discuss critically results and attention to detail.

Other Information:

Pending final approval, the appointment total length will be up to 24 months with potential for extension. Initial appointments and extensions are subject to periodical review of scientific performance in the proposed area of research and availability of funding.

Several postdoctoral positions in USA in the QMC area are currently being offered by two mayor grants. There are some variations in the scope of the work between applications, theory and computational development. I will forward your C.V. to colleagues if I judge that you are better suited for a different task. 

Please provide a list of publications. Short listed candidates will be asked for complete formal transcripts that demonstrate knowledge of Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics and Solids. Short listed candidates will be asked for letters of reference.

If you are interested please include [Postdoctoral search 2016] in your subject line. 

Ferando A. Reboredo

[email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials