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Postdoctoral Research Assistant/Associate in Com ... (No replies)

Matthew Dunstan
8 years ago
Matthew Dunstan 8 years ago

A position is open for a Postdoctoral Research Assistant / Associate as part of the Theory of Condensed Matter Group (TCM) at the Department of Physics, University of Cambridge, in the group of Dr Andrew Morris, funded by a Winton Pump Prime Award.

This project focuses on developing new algorithms to determine structural similarity in crystalline materials, and for developing new in silico approaches to determining oxide ion conductivity in materials. These algorithms will be applied to our own in-house structural databases, as well as publicly accessible structural databases such as the Materials Project. Our approach aims to build on previous work characterising local chemical and geometric similarity and extending this to intermediate and long-range length scales in order to fully characterise fragment and overall structural similarity of functional materials.

Applicants should provide a CV, including contact details of two referees, a full publication list, and a covering letter describing their suitability for the position. For further information contact Dr Andrew Morris, [email protected]

More information can be found at:

Closing date for applications is 19th August 2016.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials