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Postdoctoral positions within the EPSRC programm ... (No replies)

6 years ago
msalvalaglio 6 years ago

Two postdoctoral positions are available within the EPSRC programme ‘Crystallisation in the Real World’ -


The first will be based within the research group of Dr David Quigley in the Department of Physics, University of Warwick, UK. The post-holder will be expected to develop minimal computational models (e.g. lattice based) to capture non-trivial crystal nucleation behaviour within inhomogeneous and non-equilibrium environments, working closely with experimental groups to identify representative model parameters. The project will involved generation (e.g. via path sampling techniques) and analysis of quantitative data on nucleation kinetics to inform improved theoretical models for the time evolution of nucleus size, incorporating (e.g.) heat and mass transport effects. Work in this area will link to an existing PhD project within the group.

The position is potentially extendable for a further two-year period, dependent on progress, continuation of funding, satisfactory review and synergy achieved with other elements of the programme. Preliminary plans for this period include the study of nucleation under confinement and will likely involve mesoscale modelling (e.g. Lattice-Boltzmann or phase-field approaches).

The ideal post-holder with have a background in theoretical and/or computational physics, well developed scientific programming skills and a keen interest in statistical physics and thermodynamics.


The second post will be based in the research group of Dr Matteo Salvalaglio in the Department of Chemical Engineering, University College London, UK ( The post-holder will develop and apply molecular simulation methods for modelling crystal growth and nucleation from solution, comparing predictions with experimental data.

Particular attention will be devoted to simulating growth and nucleation at constant chemical potential, in order to compute growth and nucleation kinetics in realistic conditions, and uncover molecular-level assembly mechanisms.  

The ideal candidate for this post has a strong background in molecular simulation methods application and development, with a keen interest in long timescale simulations and enhanced sampling methods (metadynamics, umbrella sampling).

The position is initially available for one year, and it is potentially extendable for a further period of two years, depending on progress, continuation of funding, satisfactory review and synergy achieved with other elements of the programme.

The ideal post-holder will have a PhD in Chemical Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics, Chemistry, Material Science or a closely related discipline. He must have experience in molecular dynamics, and enhanced sampling/rare events methods, with scientific programming skills.

Applicants with appropriate backgrounds are encouraged to apply for either or both positions as appropriate.

To apply for the Warwick position visit:

To apply for the UCL position visit:



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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials