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Postdoctoral Positions in Song Research Group st ... (No replies)
There are postdoctoral positions in condensed matter theory opening in the group of Justin Song in Singapore at the Department of Physics, Nanyang Technological University.
Applications are invited for these postdoctoral positions, with areas of interest that include (but are not limited to)
• topological materials and correlated phases of matter,
• van der waals heterstructures (including interacting phases/behavior),
• quantum dynamics in non-equilibrium systems.
Candidates should have a PhD in theoretical condensed matter physics or closely related field, be highly motivated, and have a strong background in analytical and/or numerical methods. We are interested in a wide variety of candidates that may add to the existing skill set of our group: these may include a strong knowledge of Density Functional Theory methods particularly its application in topological and correlated matter, or a background in applying machine learning type interfaces in studying emergent phases of matter; we are also interested in traditional skill-set of mesoscopic and solid-state physics. Active engagement with experimental groups is encouraged. The position is for 2 years to start as soon as possible. There is a possibility of extension for a third year.
Candidates are invited to submit an application with a CV, a list of publications, and a short statement of research interests (half page to one page long). Letters of recommendation will also be solicited.
For more information, please contact Justin directly at
justinsong [at] ntu [dot] edu [dot] sg
About Singapore:
Singapore has a very international outlook and is actively encouraging an innovative research atmosphere. It has a particularly vibrant effort in two-dimensional materials providing an excellent environment for exciting interactions (both experimental and theoretical). The official working language in the department and institute is English; it is also the predominant language spoken throughout the city.
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