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Postdoctoral Positions in Shenzhen/Beijing/Breme ... (No replies)

5 years ago
thomfrauen1950 5 years ago

Several Postdoctoral Positions in Shenzhen/Beijing/Bremen Joint-Projects


The Shenzhen Computational Science and Applied Research (CSAR) Institute jointly with the Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC) and the Bremen Center for Computational Materials Science (BCCMS) at University of Bremen invite applications for several Postdoctoral Research Positions in the field of Predictive Computational Theory of Functional Materials.

Major topics of research include:

Machine Learning for Quantum Chemistry/Physics Hamiltonians;

Materials with Strongly Correlated Electron Properties;

Real-Time Quantum Dynamics of Electron and Energy Transfer/Transport

Applicants should hold a PhD in Computational Physics/Chemistry not longer than 4 years ago and have strong background in the development and use of advanced electronic structure theory in combination with real-time time-dependant approaches and computational many-body methods for explaining and predicting properties of functional materials. Strong Skills in programming (mostly Fortran+MPI, CC++ and Python) are required.

Successful candidates will work in the newly opened branch of CSRC in Shenzhen with extended periods of research at BCCMS in Bremen, Germany. We offer competitive salery ranging between 350 to 500 k-RMB per annum after TAX and we expect strong commitment, excellent communication skills and ability to work with highly qualified professionals with international backgrounds.

Postdoctoral Research Scientists at Shenzhen/Beijing CSAR/CSRC and BCCMS Bremen are typically appointed for an initial 2 years period, with a possible extension for an additional year. Promotion to a Research Assistant Professor is possible depending on the qualification and excelency of scientific record of applicants. Candidates having potential to apply within the Young Researcher 1000-Talent Program are particulary encouraged to submit applications.

Applications, including Motivation Letter, CV, Academic Record, Major Achievements, list of publications, 2 Reference Names, have to be sent in the above order within a single pdf package to Prof. Thomas Frauenheim - [email protected]
until December 20th 2019. Review of applications will start on January 7th, 2020.


Prof. Dr. Thomas Frauenheim;

Computational Science and Applied Research Institute (CSRC) Shenzhen,

Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC) and

Bremen Center for Computational Materials Science (BCCMS), University of Bremen


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials