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Postdoctoral positions in Machine Learning and T ... (No replies)
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Two postdoctoral positions are available in the Chair for Theoretical Chemical Physics (TCP), led by Prof. Alexandre Tkatchenko in the Physics and Materials Science (PhyMS) Department at the University of Luxembourg ( These positions are embedded within the ERC Consolidator Grant "Beyond Static Molecules: Modeling Quantum Fluctuations in Complex Molecular Environments".
We are looking for motivated, independent, and skilled scientists to join our group. As part of the TCP group, researchers will have ample opportunity to exchange ideas, transfer knowledge, and to pick up new expertise. Our publications ( provide perspective on our research directions. Going forward our general directions include:
(i) Machine Learning in Chemical Physics
Machine learning quantum properties of molecules and materials and gaining physical and chemical insights from machine-learned models. The main goal is to understand and extend current machine learning approaches to go beyond their "black box" nature.
(ii) Multiscale Modelling
Combining first principles, coarse graining, and model reduction to bring quantum-mechanical level of detail from the atomistic scale to macro-scale systems. This involves developing mathematical approaches and code that can tackle large and complex systems efficiently.
(iii) Intermolecular van der Waals Interactions
Understanding and developing a framework for accurately capturing non-covalent van der Waals interactions. In particular, we are looking to expand our expertise on peculiar non-covalent effects in confinement, charged environments, optically-excited states, and van der Waals/Casimir physics in large systems.
The University of Luxembourg is a young, dynamic, and well-funded university and is rapidly growing in international rankings. Luxembourg is a small European country with a very high quality of living and is bordered by France, Belgium, and Germany. Last but not least, salaries are highly competitive.
The positions are open to strong applicants with backgrounds in physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, and/or multidisciplinary background. We offer competitive salary and attractive working environment in one of the most enjoyable European cities (
For more information and applications contact: Prof. Dr. Alexandre Tkatchenko ([email protected]).