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Postdoctoral Positions in Computational/Experime ... (No replies)

8 years ago
pdeluna 8 years ago

Joint experimental and theoretical studies of nanomaterials in energy ­ including catalysis, light emission and solar energy

Positions. Each candidate will lead a research project in the area of new materials and devices for energy. Materials systems of particular interest include quantum dots, perovskites, nanorods, nanostructured metals, metal oxyhydroxides, metal-organic frameworks, and covalent-organic frameworks. Application areas of interest include catalysis, light emission, and solar energy.

Candidates with demonstrated expertise both in theory (such as density functional theory and computational materials science more broadly) and experiment (such as materials synthesis, device fabrication and investigation, and photophysical and synchrotron studies)are encouraged to apply.

The research is aimed at building functional devices that appreciably exceed existing performance records. Advances are typically rooted in deepening understanding at the level of material chemistry and physics.

The principal goal will be first-authored publications in high-impact journals; accompanied with an expectation that the candidate will devote a fraction of time to co-mentoring graduate students in the group and developing new research directions. 

Candidates are expected to bring leadership in motivating and contributing to multidisciplinary teams; excellent communication skills and efficient writing, including the capacity to offer thoughtful and clear technical guidance on research projects.

Proven experience and impact in at least one of the following areas is required:

 Computational Materials Science

- DFT, semi-empirical and force-field simulations in inorganic and organic and hybrid materials

- Computation of electronic and optical properties, electrochemical activity, many-body effects in large systems (up to 1000 atoms)

- Parallel programming

- Semiconductor device modeling

- Finite element modeling and FDTD



- Electrochemistry

- Catalysis for CO2 capture and conversion 

- Surfaces and interfaces of porous and nano- materials 

- Synthesis, characterization and functionalization of MOFs/COFs


Light emission and PV

- Synthesis and characterization of colloidal quantum dots and/or perovskites

- Optical gain and lasing

- Transient photoluminescence and absorption spectroscopies

- Fabrication and testing of PV, LED, and photodetector thin film semiconductor devices


Proven success in writing grant proposals and applying for experimental or computational resources will also be considered.


More information on the research program is available at:


Applications should be sent as soon as possible to Prof. Ted Sargent ([email protected]) at the University of Toronto. Applications will be reviewed beginning May 1, 2016. Please list 3 referees who have confirmed that they are willing to supply letters of reference upon request.


Example publications of interest are listed below:

Catalysis: "Homogeneously dispersed, multimetal oxygen-evolving catalysts,² Science, DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf1525, 2016.

Light emission: "Quantum-dot-in-perovskite solids,² Nature, vol. 523, pp. 324-328, 2015.

Solar energy: "Colloidal quantum dot solids for solution-processed solar cells,² Nature Energy, DOI: 10.1038/NENERGY.2016.16, 2016

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials