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Postdoctoral positions available at MackGraphe (No replies)

8 years ago
leandroseixas 8 years ago

Two postdoctoral researcher positions (12 months) are available at MackGraphe (Graphene and Nanomaterials Research Center), from Mackenzie Presbyterian University, in São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Both positions include 1 (one) month visiting the Centre for Advanced 2D Materials, National University of Singapore (CA2DM/NUS).

See more information about the MackGraphe at

The candidates should have a PhD degree in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science/Engineering or Electrical Engineering, and have experience working with theoretical condensed matter physics and computational materials modeling.

Project 1: Computational Modeling of Novel 2D Materials and van der Waals hetetostructures in Femtoseconds Dynamics

This work proposes the theoretical investigation of electronic properties of novel 2D materials via first principles methods based upon density functional theory. Besides the electronic properties of 2D materials, the project proposes the investigation of doping effects and van der Waals heterostructures with these 2D materials for applications in electronic or optoelectronic devices.

The requirements and benefits established in apply. Benefits include: compensation of R$ 6819.30 (brazilian reais) per month, aid displacement and/or installation (for fellows who are not resident in the city of São Paulo) and technical reserve funds to cover travels and others items needed for research. The grant is for a period of 12 months.

Those interested should submit the following documents to the electronic address [email protected] and [email protected]: 1) curriculum vitae (including list of publications); 2) two letters of recommendation.

Project 2: Electronic and optical (linear and non-linear) properties in mechanically deformed 2D materials.

The project aims to study the electronic and optical (linear and non-linear)   properties of 2D materials under the effect of various mechanical deformations. Apart from these general objectives the successful candidate should develop strategies to implement quantum transport simulations of large systems with multiple leads in the deformed structures.

Benefits include: compensation of R$ 6819.30 (brazilian reais) per month, aid displacement and/or installation (for fellows who are not resident in the city of São Paulo) and technical reserve funds to cover travels and others items needed for research. The grant is for a period of 12 months.

Those interested should submit the following documents: 1) curriculum vitae (including list of publications) and 2) two letters of recommendation. More information and application: [email protected] and [email protected]:

Please submit your online application no later than May 10, 2017. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials