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Postdoctoral positions at the University of Illi ... (No replies)

8 years ago
lkwagner 8 years ago

There are several postdoc openings available immediately in the Institute of Condensed Matter Theory at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  The successful applicant will work primarily with Profs David Ceperley and/or Lucas K. Wagner on continuum quantum Monte Carlo methods for condensed matter systems.  

The ideal candidate will have:
 -A PhD in physics or closely related field.
 -Experience with computational physics, preferably with electronic structure methods such as DFT, GW, quantum chemistry methods, or quantum Monte Carlo.
 -Programming skills, preferably C++, Python and MPI, but other modern languages are acceptable.
 -Experience with stochastic and statistical methods such as structure searching and data analysis techniques

There are several projects that the successful applicant could work on. 
 - Elucidating the phase diagram of hydrogen at high pressure.
 - Deriving effective interacting models from first principles data using machine learning techniques.
 - Searching for new unconventional superconductors in close collaboration with synthetic experimental groups.


To receive full consideration, apply by October 30 at the following website:



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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials