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Postdoctoral positions and PhD scholarships avai ... (No replies)
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Following the award by the Australian Research Council of a Future Fellowship to Dr Raffaella Demichelis and a Laureate Fellowship to Prof. Julian Gale, we are now seeking to appoint outstanding candidates to a number of post-doctoral positions. Research will be focus on the topics of “Producing clean energy through geomimetic chemistry” and “Predictive simulation of crystallisation”. Candidates with prior experience in the fields of enhanced sampling methods for molecular dynamics, solid-state quantum mechanics and/or the theory of crystallisation/interfacial chemistry would be particularly welcome to apply. Other desirable attributes would include knowledge of high performance computing, including GPUs, and a proficiency in either programming or scripting. Candidates must hold a doctoral qualification in an appropriate discipline.
All positions will be within the Computational Materials and Minerals group (, which is part of the Curtin Institute for Computation, and based in the Resources and Chemistry Precinct at Curtin University. Candidates will be expected to interact with the broader geoscience, computing an physics communities.
If you are interested, please follow this link:
Application closes at 5pm on November 5 (Western Australia time zone).
Several PhD scholarships are also available for those seeking to undertake research training in the above fields.
For further information regarding these positions please contact either Dr Raffaella Demichelis ([email protected]) or Prof. Julian Gale ([email protected]).