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Postdoctoral Position--UIowa (No replies)

8 years ago
semason 8 years ago

A postdoctoral position pursuing research using first-principles modeling of environmental nanoparticles and interfaces is available in the research group of Prof. S. E. Mason at the University of Iowa.  The project will contribute to The Center for Sustainable Nanotechnology ( and/or other funded research aimed at deriving structure-property relationships of metal (hydr)oxides.  The position will provide opportunities to engage in collaborative research aimed at (i) spanning larger length and longer time scales through computational modeling, (ii) confirming and interpreting experimental measurements of nanoparticle behavior in the environment, (iii) developing molecular-level insights into the reactivity of solid-water or solid-gas interfaces.  

Candidates must have their Ph.D. in chemistry, physics, materials science, or other closely related field by the start date of the appointment.  Start date is negotiable.

For more details, or to apply through jobs@uiowa, visit:


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials