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Postdoctoral position on theoretical and computa ... (No replies)

5 years ago
smiguel 5 years ago

A postdoctoral position for theoretical and computational studies on semiconductor materials with photocatalytic applications is available in the UNICAMP Materials Simulation Lab (UMSL) at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) in Brazil.

The candidate will carry out structural, electronic, and thermodynamic calculations using DFT methodologies to investigate physical-chemical properties related to the photocatalytic activity of some semiconductor materials.


The position should start on 01/04/2020 for two years and a possible extension for two years more. The application deadline is 20/02/2020.


The selected candidate will receive a FAPESP (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo) postdoctoral grant of BRL 7373.10 monthly, plus complimentary funding for research-related expenses. (Grant agreement 2016/23891-6)




  • PhD degree in Chemistry or related areas, and PhD thesis evidencing a strong background in computational simulations;
  • Solid experience (at least six years) in periodic DFT based calculations using CRYSTAL package applied to study the electronic structure of materials. Own scientific publications in the field should evidence such experience.
  • Experience in the study of advanced material properties (particularly ferroic properties, charge mobility, the photocatalytic activity of materials); prediction of the morphology of semiconductor materials.
  • Excellent communication skills and strong English knowledge.


How to apply

Candidates should contact Prof. Dr. Miguel San-Miguel by e-mail ([email protected]), sending a CV (including a list of publications) and contact details of two references until 20/02/2020.


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials