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Postdoctoral position on simulations of nano-con ... (No replies)
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A PostDoc position is available at the Institute of Computational Physics, University of Stuttgart in the group of Maria Fyta. The appointee should be involved in a project involving quantum-mechanical and Molecular Dynamics simulations of nano-confined water in quasi 1D crystals, its optical and thermodynamic properties. The project is carried out in close collaboration to theorists and experimentalists.
The applicant should have a strong background in Physics (Solid State Physics and Quantum Mechanics) and an overall strong motivation. Computational skills are a prerequisite, as well as experience in scientific computing and programming. Ability to work independently and also function as an active and efficient team player is also important.
The deadline for the application is July 15th, 2017. The position can be filled as from Oct. 1, 2017.
For additional inquiries and applications please send an e-mail to Maria Fyta ([email protected]).