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Postdoctoral position on molecular polaritons (No replies)

7 years ago
joelyuen 7 years ago

Our group is looking to recruit a postdoctoral fellow who would like to work on developing quantum optical models of molecules in optical cavities. Recent experimental advances in the field of polaritonics (hybrid light-matter states) have shown that physicochemical properties of materials as well as their chemical reactivity can be controlled and modified by placing them inside optical microcavities or electromagnetic nanostructures.

See our review on the subject!divAbstract

or our papers at

for further details.

There are still many theoretical puzzles and prospects. The interested candidate should have a background on theoretical chemistry, computational physics, condensed matter theory, quantum optics, nanophotonics, or related fields. 

Please send your inquiries about the position at joelyuen at ucsd dot edu.


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials