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Postdoctoral position on machine learning and co ... (No replies)

7 years ago
mfyta 7 years ago

A PostDoc position is available  in the group of Maria Fyta at the Institute of Computational Physics, University of Stuttgart in Germany ( The PostDoc should be involved in combining machine learning algorithms with data from quantum-mechanical, transport, and Molecular Dynamics simulations in order to assess the sensitivity of nanopore materials for reading-out DNA.

For the position, we are seeking an outstanding motivated individual with a strong research track record, as evidenced by publications in peer-reviewed journals. A degree in Physics, Chemistry or equivalent, as well as experience in the simulation of condensed-matter systems and a strong background in Solid-State Physics, Quantum-Mechanics or Quantum Chemistry are prerequisites. Experience with machine learning algorithms is stronly preferred. The candidate should also be able to work independently, as well as work in teams and have very good English skills.

If you are interested, please send your application (a full CV and a list of names for reference letters) by *August 12, 2017* to Maria Fyta ([email protected]).

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials