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Postdoctoral position: modeling of novel energy ... (No replies)

8 years ago
nmingo 8 years ago

A postdoctoral position is available at CEA-Grenoble, France, in the broad area of ab-initio modeling of materials for energy conversion and storage.

We are looking for a talented individual who can contribute to the theoretical search for, and understanding of, novel materials. The successful candidate will develop algorithms for the fast computation of phonon properties in solid compounds, and apply them to the calculation of phase stability and transport properties. She/he will integrate a materials modelling team comprising six other scientists, with strong connections to experimental and theoretical groups worldwide. More information about our group can be found at:

Grenoble is located at the foot of the French Alps, and it enjoys a rich scientific, technological and cultural environment.

Required qualifications:

-A recent PhD in computational condensed matter physics, computational chemistry, or related discipline.

-A track record of publications in the ab-initio modeling of materials.

-Strong programming skills.

Modeling experience on one or more of the following topics is a plus: phonon transport, high throughput materials modeling, energy storage, data mining.

To apply: send cover letter and CV, including publication list and contact information of at least three references, to [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials