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Postdoctoral position in theory and computation ... (No replies)
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The position is located at the NMR Research Unit (, in the Faculty of Science, University Oulu, Finland. We are an internationally established, combined theoretical and experimental team of about 20 people, of which 50% with a PhD degree. We develop experimental, theoretical and computational research methods based on magnetic resonance phenomena and apply those methods to topical problems in molecular and materials sciences. Our particular strength is in the tight connection between state-of-the-art measurements and calculations. We have an open and encouraging working atmosphere and have a substantial track record in successful funding applications both at the Academy of Finland and in EU programmes, including a recent ERC Consolidator Grant. CPU-intensive computational research is carried out mainly using the facilities of the national supercomputer centre (2300 TFlop/s total capacity). Local linux clusters belonging to the Finnish Grid and Cloud Infrastructure are used for high-throughput production calculations.
The position is a part of the Academy of Finland project in the field of theory and computation of NMR parameters. In the project, we develop and apply molecular modelling (quantum chemistry and molecular simulation) techniques to realistically assign, analyse and predict NMR spectral parameters (e.g., nuclear shielding, spin-spin coupling, quadrupole coupling and relaxation times) of complex materials, including electronically open-shell systems and nuclear magneto-optic observables.
The length of the position is two years. The starting date is April 1, 2018, or as soon as possible thereafter. A four-month trial period will be effective in the beginning of the two-year contract.
The successful applicant must have a completed PhD in physics, chemistry, materials science, or a related field. The applicants must show a visible scientific profile. Proficiency in the development and/or advanced application of computational methods in NMR theory is a prerequisite for a strong application. The project requires computer experience and mastery of at least one relevant programming language (e.g., Fortran, C++, Python, Mathematica, Matlab).
Fluent English, good communication skills and good teamwork skills are required. Further, demonstrated potential in acquiring supplementary (extramural) funding, and teaching experience will be taken as a merit. When assessing the applicant’s qualifications, issues to be considered will include scientific publications, thesis supervision, activity in the scientific community, practical familiarity with the field in question, scientific work abroad, and other international activities.
As part of the NMR Research Unit, the duties also include supervising scientific research of BSc, MSc and PhD students. Participation in teaching within the physics curriculum and acquiring research funding are naturally expected.
The salary will be based on the levels 5-6 of the demand level chart for university–level teaching and research staff of Finnish universities. In addition, a salary component based on personal work performance will be paid (maximum of 46.3% of the job-specific component). The salary is thus in practice roughly 3500–4000 € per month, depending on the appointee’s qualifications and experience.
The following documents must be attached to the application:
1) Brief curriculum vitae in English
2) List of publications in international peer-reviewed journals
3) Brief description of research merits
4) Brief (1-2 pages) research and action plan in English
5) Contact information of two persons whom may be asked to give a statement of the candidate
Applications, together with all relevant enclosures, should be submitted using electronic application form using this link by February 15, 2018. The applications will not be returned.
The top candidates for the posts may be interviewed and asked to present their plans for running the post successfully.
For more information contact Professor Juha Vaara, head of the NMR Research Unit, University of Oulu, tel. +358-40-196 6658, email: juha.vaara(at)