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Postdoctoral position in Theoretical Simulations ... (No replies)

4 months ago
ivanasavic 4 months ago

Postdoctoral position in Theoretical Simulations of Multiferroic Materials and Polar Topologies at Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland


1 postdoctoral position is available in the Advanced Materials and Surfaces Group at the Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland (, under the supervision of Dr. Lynette Keeney in collaboration with Dr. Ivana Savic (King's College London). The position is fully funded for up to 4 years and will commence in March 2024 or soon thereafter.

The goal is to develop a range of computational methods to model formation of novel topological structures within multiferroic materials. This will involve state-of-the-art approaches (based on density functional theory and phase-field methods) to predict domain wall and topological structure formation. Machine learning models will also be implemented to predict stable material compositions at much lower computational cost.

This is a highly collaborative project between the groups at Tyndall National Institute, King's College London (Dr. Ivana Savic; and Imperial College London (Dr. Shelly Conroy; funded by the Irish Research Council Advanced Laureate Award. It will also involve collaboration with experimental groups at Tyndall National Institute and Imperial College London, working on material synthesis and characterisation, including atomic-resolution electron microscopy techniques.

Postdoctoral applicants must hold a PhD in materials science, chemistry, physics, or related discipline before the start of the contract. They should have experience in material modelling and computer code development. Preference will be given to candidates with a strong background in at least one of the following areas: modelling of ferroelectric/multiferroic properties of materials, density functional theory, applying machine learning methods to material science problems, and phase field models.

Further information, including how to apply for the position, can be found on the Tyndall careers website:

Informal enquiries concerning these positions can be made to Dr. Lynette Keeney ([email protected]).


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials