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Postdoctoral Position in Theoretical/Computation ... (No replies)
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Postdoctoral Position in Theoretical/Computational Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
Virginia Tech
Applications are invited for an open postdoctoral position in the Department of Chemistry at Virginia Tech. Depending on interest, the successful applicant will perform ab-initio MD (DFT BOMD) and QM/MM simulations of bone tissues or ion channels in the research group of Professor Valerie Welborn. The successful candidate will also integrate the output of these atomistic simulations within a multiscale framework to quantify the role of conformational disorder on the macroscopic properties of the system.
Prior experience with CP2K and NAMD is a plus.
This position will begin as soon as a candidate is successfully identified, and will be initially for one year with the possibility of renewal subject to satisfactory performance.
Interested applicants should contact Valerie Welborn directly at [email protected].