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Postdoctoral position in theoretical computation ... (No replies)

7 years ago
b.irving 7 years ago

The CENTER OF ADVANCED PHOTOVOLTAICS of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, invites applications for a postdoctoral position in theoretical computation of structural and electronic properties of photovoltaic materials.

The work will involve theoretical modelling of electronic states and the interaction between silicon and a molecular dipole on the surface. The focus will be on a quantitative description of the energy transfer from an excited molecular state to excite electron-hole pairs in the semiconductor, similar to the resonance (Förster) energy transfer between molecules. Key quantity of interest is the static (ω = 0) dielectric constant / function at large values of the wave vector k. The calculation should take into account in detail the dielectric screening of the interaction as well the apparent bandgap (direct or indirect) which characterises the excitation of the electron-hole pairs in the semiconductor.


Center of Advanced Photovoltaics (CAP, at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague has been established to face challenges in the area of photovoltaics from atomistic models and novel solar cell designs to urbanistic and architectural concepts. The Center of Advanced Photovoltaics, in a close partnership with University of Southampton (U.K.), lays the foundation for prime research in theoretical and applied photovoltaics taking advantage of unique multidisciplinary environment. The Center is lead by experienced and recognized senior researchers, including prof. Tomas Markvart as the Center head, and supported by a dedicated administration team. The Center is an inherent part of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, which is a workplace including 3500 students, 380 academic staff, and annual budget exceeding 840 million CZK. Study programs are taught in Czech as well as in English with a strong emphasis on international exchange and collaboration.


The salary will be competitive (approx. 25,000 EUR/year plus employer bonus). The positions are initially for 2 years and can be prolonged upon mutual agreement. Project duration is 5 years.


Successful candidates must hold a Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science or closely related disciplines. Previous experience with DFT calculations, Green's function-based techniques, and QM/MM or research in photovoltaics is highly welcome. Prior publications as the first author in recognized scientific journals as well as good knowledge of English (both written and oral) are compulsory. Teamwork with Ph.D. and Master students is expected. Building up own research team is encouraged.


The call is open immediately and the position will be filled as soon as a proper candidate is found – the starting date is expected to be no later than Q4/2018. Applications must include a brief description of research interests and relevant experience, the CV with publications, and at least two letters of recommendation of academic referees. Inquiries and applications shall be sent to:

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials