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Postdoctoral Position in Theoretical Chemistry, ... (No replies)
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A one-year postdoctoral position in theoretical chemistry, with a possibility of extension, is available at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden.
The focus of this postdoctoral research position is the development and testing of concepts that can extend chemical thinking in molecules and solids. The research group utilizes a broad range of technical approaches, from structure search algorithms coupled to massively parallelized density functional theory calculations, for predicting new materials, to ab initio methods for the calculation of properties, performance and detection characteristics. We ask fundamental questions and are interested in chemically realistic in silico design of challenging new materials. Specific objectives include (1) Develop and test chemical bonding descriptors in molecular and extended systems (2) Develop code for analysis of quantum mechanical output in reciprocal and real space; (3) Actively collaborate with other group members and apply developed methodology in different materials discovery projects.
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering is the largest department at Chalmers where research ranges from fundamentals to a level close to application in industry and society. The fields of interest extend from DNA-research and biomaterials to high temperature corrosion, catalysis and recycling. The Department is also heavily committed to teaching at the undergraduate, graduate, as well as postgraduate level in these areas.
The details of the departmental research activities may be found at:
To qualify for the position of postdoc, you must have a doctoral degree in a relevant field; The ideal candidate has a background in either or both theoretical chemistry and condensed matter physics. You should have good communications skills, both oral and written, in English. To be successfull you have to be highly motivated, have a problem solving ability, be creative, and enjoy working both by yourself and in close cooperation with others.
If you have questions, please contact: Martin Rahm, [email protected]
More information and instructions on how to apply can be found here: