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Postdoctoral Position in Theoretical Chemistry (No replies)
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A one-year postdoctoral position in Theoretical Chemistry, with a possibility of extension, is available at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering is the largest department at Chalmers with research ranging from the most fundamental level to a level close to application in industry and society. The research activities reach from DNA-research and biomaterials to high temperature corrosion, catalysis and recycling. The Department is also heavily committed to teaching at the undergraduate, graduate, as well as postgraduate level in these areas.
Health, natural resources, sustainable energy and materials are some of our lead words and our vision is “Through curiosity and knowledge towards a sustainable world”.
We have approximately 300 employees, divided into four research and one administrative division. We are situated at campus Johanneberg in the middle of Gothenburg.
This postdoctoral research project revolves around a recent approach for analyzing electronic structure, “Experimental Quantum Chemistry”. The basis for this framework is an energy partitioning analysis that allows for the interchangeable use of experimental and quantum mechanically computed data. The objectives of the postdoctoral position are to develop general chemical concepts within this theory framework, to write code that allows for implementation on molecular and crystalline systems, and to pursue validation through computational design of new materials.
The research group utilizes a broad range of methodologies, from structure search algorithms coupled to massively parallelized density functional theory calculations for predicting new materials, to ab initio calculation of properties, performance and detection characteristics. We ask fundamental questions and are interested in chemically realistic in silico design of challenging new materials and the development of new conceptual methods for analyzing electronic structure.
Details of the departmental research activities can be found here.
Details about the research group can be found here.
Major responsibilities
Major responsibilities for this postdoctoral position include: (1) Development and testing of chemical bonding analyses for molecular and extended systems within the framework of “Experimental Quantum Chemistry” (2) Code development in Python, to facilitate for the analyses; (3) Active collaboration with other research groups, both theoretical and experimental, and application of developed methodology on different classes of materials and reactions.
Position summary
The position is for one year, with possibility of extension.
To qualify for this position, you must hold a recent doctoral degree in a relevant field; The ideal candidate has a background in theoretical chemistry, but candidates with a computational material science or condensed matter physics background are welcome to apply. The successful candidate needs to have a demonstrated track-record in the use of state-of-the-art quantum mechanical methods, such as density functional theory or multireference techniques. Most important is a strong interest in chemical bonding, and previous experience in development of chemical bonding analyses is advantageous. Experimental experience with photoelectron spectroscopy or diffraction measurements of electron densities are meriting but not necessary. You should have good communications skills, both oral and written, in English. To be successful you have to be highly motivated, have a strong problem solving ability, be creative, and enjoy working both by yourself and in close cooperation with others.
Chalmers continuously strives to be an attractive employer. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.
Our offer to you
Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the dynamic city of Gothenburg. Read more about working at Chalmers.
Apply here!
Application deadline: 30 November 2018
For questions, please contact:
Martin Rahm,
Assistant professor,
[email protected]