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Postdoctoral position in scanning electron micro ... (No replies)
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Working Hours Full-time
Salary Range: £31,076 (fixed due to funding)
FTE: 1.0
Term: Fixed (until December 2020)
Closing Date: 15 January 2018
The Semiconductor Spectroscopy and Devices group at the Strathclyde Department of Physics is looking to appoint a Research Associate to conduct and supervise computational research into simulating and analysing electron diffraction in scanning electron microscopes. Based on the REF 2014 GPA Scores, Times Higher Education ranked Strathclyde as number one in the UK for Physics research.
To be considered for the role, you will hold a PhD (or equivalent professional experience) in a relevant discipline associated with physical or computational science. You will have extensive knowledge in at least one of the areas of simulating electron microscopy images, computational modelling of materials or machine learning. You will also have applied practical experience in the development, conduct and troubleshooting of computational tools.
You will have a developing ability to conduct individual research work, to disseminate results and to prepare research proposals. You will have an ability to plan and organise your own workload effectively and an ability to work within a combined theoretical and experimental team environment. You will have excellent interpersonal and communication skills, with the ability to listen, engage and persuade, and to present complex information in an accessible way to a range of audiences.
For informal enquiries, please contact Dr Ben Hourahine (e-mail: [email protected], tel: +44 (0)141 548 2325)
Application details are online here.Interviews for the post will be held in February 2018.