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Postdoctoral Position in Physical Biosciences at ... (No replies)
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The Physical Biosciences team within the Catalysis Science Group at Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL) is looking for a Postdoctoral associate to join a multi-investigator team that explores the functional principles at the core of precise energy, mass and charge flow, and reactivity in enzymes.
As part of the team you will be mentored by Simone Raugei and Bojana Ginovska, as you develop a line of computational research, working to understand the mechanism of important enzymes that catalyze activation of energy relevant molecules to empower the design of highly selective, efficient, and sustainable bio-inspired catalysts.
What you will do:
Minimum Qualifications:
Preferred Qualifications (not all need to be met):
Candidates can apply at:
Job ID: 309726
For more information contact Bojana Ginovska at [email protected]