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Postdoctoral position in Multilevel Monte Carlo ... (No replies)

3 years ago
emuller 3 years ago
We are seeking ambitious applicants, who are interested to work on the interface between theoretical physics, numerical mathematics and scientific computing. In particular, this Exploratory Project in the DFG Cluster of Excellence STRUCTURES aims to develop new mathematical approaches to substantially reduce the computational cost of lattice simulations with novel multilevel Monte Carlo methods [Jansen, Müller & Scheichl, Phys. Rev. D 102, 114512 (2020)].
Background and planned work
Monte Carlo simulations of strongly interacting quantum field theories such as Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QCD) on a space-time lattice predict fundamental physical observables from first principles. They are crucial to interpret experimental results in particle physics. By using hierarchical sampling, our approach naturally overcomes critical slowdown, the rapid growth of autocorrelation times with decreasing lattice spacing. This leads to a significant reduction in the number of Monte Carlo samples and will, together with multilevel variance reduction, allow a step-change for lattice QCD simulations. Arguments from renormalisation group theory, enhanced by machine learning approaches, will ensure effective coupling of coarse grained descriptions across the hierarchy of scales.
Location and environment
The successful applicant will work in an interdisciplinary team of applied mathematicians and
theoretical physicists at Heidelberg University, in the groups of Robert Scheichl (Institute of Applied Mathematics) and Jürgen Berges (Institute of Theoretical Physics), and in close collaboration with Karl Jansen (DESY Zeuthen) and Eike Müller (University of Bath, UK).
We are looking for applicants at postdoctoral level with a background in theoretical physics and a strong computational focus, or for researchers from scientific computing and computational statistics with a keen interest or background knowledge in quantum physics.
Length of contract and start date
The position is offered for 24 months and it is available as of now. We aim to fill the position as soon as possible within the next 6 months.
Application format and deadline
Applications in the form of a CV (including the names and contact details of three referees) and a short 1-2 page research statement should be sent per email to Herta Fitzer, Institute for Applied Mathematics, [email protected]. The deadline for applications is 3rd May 2021.
Further information
For any questions and to obtain more information on the position please contact Robert Scheichl,
Institute for Applied Mathematics, [email protected] (+49 6221 5414110).

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials