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Postdoctoral position in modelling metastable ox ... (No replies)

[email protected]
8 years ago
[email protected] 8 years ago

Understanding properties of amorphous and polycrystalline sub-stoichiometric oxide thin films is vital for microelectronics, catalysts, gas sensors, transparent flexible thin-film transistors, and solar cells. This three-year research project funded by EPSRC aims to provide new insight into the structure and properties of such films.

Applications are invited for a Research Associate position in the group of Prof. Alexander Shluger, Department of Physics and Astronomy, UCL to work on developing new computational methods for modelling structural changes in amorphous and nano-crystalline sub-stoichiometric oxide films on metal substrates resulting from application of thermal annealing of electrical stress. These new computational methods, using classical atomistic simulations and density functional theory, will be then applied to study the structure and electrical characteristics of oxide films on metallic substrates and their evolution under bias application and thermal treatment in collaboration with experimental groups within UCL and in Leuven, Belgium.

Candidates should possess a PhD degree in Physics or Materials Chemistry. They must have experience in modelling defects in solids using classical simulations and DFT methods using high performance computers. Preference will be given to applicants with strong programming skills and experience in developing computational methods. Initial appointment will be for one year, renewable for up to three years.

Evaluation of applications will commence immediately, and will continue until the deadline for applications on February 19, 2017. The employment will start as soon as possible. Applicants should provide a brief statement of research interests and submit his/her curriculum vitae including education records, working experience, list of publications and names of three referees to James Gane [email protected]. Informal enquiries regarding the vacancy can be made to [email protected]  (Tel: +44 (0)20 7679 1312)

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials