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Postdoctoral Position in Materials Theory Inform ... (No replies)

7 years ago
dhv 7 years ago

Applications are being accepted for a postdoctoral position with a focus on data informatics as applied to materials theory. The postdoctoral researcher will play a central role in a project to design and construct a database of spectral functions and related quantities as computed using DFT, hybrid functionals, DMFT, GW, and other beyond-DFT methods, and also as measured using ARPES. The position will be hosted at Rutgers University under the supervision of Prof. Karin Rabe, but would also will involve close collaboration with Profs. David Vanderbilt and Kristjan Haule at Rutgers, Maria-Victoria Fernandez-Serra at SUNY Stony Brook, and Turan Birol at the University of Minnesota. In-depth experience with at least one first-principles methodology (DFT, GW, DFT+DMFT) is essential; a broad acquaintance with such approaches, familiarity with many-body concepts in general, and experience with data informatics are all strongly preferable. Interested applicants should email David Vanderbilt ([email protected]) with a CV attached in PDF format and should supply names and contact information for two or three references. Please use "Spectral Function Database" as the subject line.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials