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Postdoctoral position in materials informatics w ... (No replies)
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Project description
Recent growth of computational power and high demand for prediction of materials with target properties have led to a new way of doing materials research referred to as materials informatics. This approach places the main effort on performing high-throughput computing combined with data mining. Applications of this data-driven approach are wide-ranging and cover, for instance, the search for various functional materials with special electrical, optical and magnetic properties, including the 2016 Nobel Prize-winning topological states of matter. The intended project is highly interdisciplinary and bridges the gap between data science and theoretical condensed matter physics. It comprises work on the open-access organic materials database OMDB( containing output from thousands of electronic structure calculations for organic crystals. The outcome will represent a significant contribution towards the prediction of novel functional materials via advanced data mining and machine learning tools.
Main responsibilities
The project involves both development and application of data mining and machine learning tools for materials data analysis. It includes conducting a strong research program, and interacting with colleagues and visitors at Nordita and elsewhere in the Nordic countries.
Qualification requirements
Postdoctoral positions are appointed primarily for purposes of research. Applicants are expected to hold a Swedish doctoral degree or an equivalent degree from another country.
Assessment criteria
The degree should have been completed no more than four years before the deadline for applications. An older degree may be acceptable under special circumstances, which may involve sick leave, parental leave, clinical attachment, elected positions in trade unions, or similar.
In the appointment process, special attention will be given to strong candidates in the areas of theoretical or computational physics with interest and experience in data science and machine learning.
Terms of employment
The position involves full-time employment for a maximum of two years, with the possibility of extension under special circumstances. Start date is in October, 2017, or as per agreement.
Further information about the position can be obtained from Professor Alexander V. Balatsky, [email protected].
Please include the following information with your online application:
Please apply online