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Postdoctoral Position in Materials Discovery (St ... (No replies)

3 years ago
ezurek 3 years ago

A postdoctoral position is available in the group of Eva Zurek ( The project involves machine learning coupled with density functional theory and high-throughput thermodynamics to discover spinodal-hardened high-entropy ceramics. The research will be carried out in close collaboration with an exciting and dynamic team including individuals from the theoretical groups of Curtarolo (Duke University) and Brenner (North Carolina State University), along with leading experimentalists.

The project entails the following: (i) development of machine-learning protocols and workflows for training interatomic potentials, (ii) interrogating chemical reactivity at interfaces via large scale molecular dynamics simulations and DFT calculations, (iii) creation of machine-learning algorithms towards the discovery of new, stable, hard, synthesizable materials.

The starting date is on, or after, May 1, 2021. The initial contract will be for one year, with a possible extension upon mutual agreement and availability of funding.

A PhD in computational chemistry, materials engineering, solid state physics, or a closely related area is required. Good communication and writing skills in English are essential.

If you wish to apply for the position please email your resume to [email protected]. If it appears that we have compatible research interests I will subsequently ask you to arrange for two letters of recommendation from current and former research supervisors to be emailed to me.

Buffalo is a lively city located in the western part of the State of New York, USA, near the Canadian border. The greater Buffalo area has a population of about a million. There are many local attractions, galleries and museums, annual events and festivals, and recreational sites within easy reach. E.g. the nearest skiing resorts as well as the Niagara Falls are reached by car within 30 to 45 minutes. During the winter we are blessed with descent amounts of good quality snow for winter sports. Across the Canadian border, Toronto is close enough for a day trip. Hopefully, by the summer we will be able to enjoy all the Buffalo area has to offer.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials