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Postdoctoral position in Machine Learning for th ... (No replies)

Michel Cote
4 years ago
Michel Cote 4 years ago

Location: This postdoctoral position is for a project involving a collaboration between the group of Michel Côté in the Physics Department at the Université de Montréal and the group of Isaac Tamblyn at the National Council Research in Ottawa, Canada.

Description: The subject of the project is the development of tools to calculate the Raman response of 2D materials using machine learning. The goal is to be able to assist in the characterization of 2D materials using spectroscopic data. The challenge is to be able to predict the response of large defective 2D materials simulation cells that are representative of the experimental situation. Electronic structure calculations will be done to train neural networks which will subsequently be used to simulate large atomic systems.

Requirements: A good knowledge of electronic structure approaches is required. It is desirable that the candidate has some knowledge of machine learning techniques, but it is not mandatory. The candidate will be able to learn these approaches at the beginning of the project.

Conditions: The position is for two years, and the salary is 50k$/year. The second-year is conditional on the progress made by the candidate toward the goal of the project. The position will be filled as soon as a suitable candidate is found, but the starting date should not be later than September 2020.

You can find out more about the research groups of Isaac Tamblyn and Michel Côté at the following web sites:
Isaac Tamblyn:
Michel Côté:

How to apply: Candidates should send their CV, letter of motivation, and a list of 3 potential references to Michel Côté ([email protected]).

Special condition due to the COVID-19 pandemic: Considering the present travel restrictions, we will accept that the beginning of the project is done remotely. It is understood that when air travel is again possible, the candidate is expected to move to Montreal or Ottawa.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials